Agricultural Facts

Daily Agriculture Facts...... Part -1

1-Coleoptera is the Largest Insect order
having 40 %maximum insect population.

Example of coleoptera include beetles,  ladybugs, fireflies, junebugs, stag beetles, weevils, burying beetles, rove beetles, click beetles, rose chafers, and many others. 

2-Scientific name of Leek is Allium porrurm
&  family is Alliaceae

Chromosome no : 2n=4x=32

3-Paul Neergaard is the father of Seed Pathology

4-Prevention of- Microorganisms entry in fruit & vegetables is caled as Asepsis

5-Inflorescence of Soyabean is Raceme

6-Uttar Pradesh is known as Sugar Bowl of India

7-Family of Fig is Moraceae

8- Jafarabadi Buffalo is also known as Mini elephant. 

9-Functional unit of gene is cistron. 

10- Inflorescence of cauliflower? 
