Q-1 Ozone Layer Is present In?
1- Troposphere
2- Stratosphere
4- Thermosphere
Ans- Stratosphere
Q-2 Golden Shower is the Name of?
1- Cassia fistula
2- Butea monosperma
3-Vachellia nilotica
Ans-Cassia fistula
Q-3 Which year is celebrated as International year of pulses ?
1- 2015
2- 2016
3- 2017
Ans - 2016
Q-4 Potassium sulphate is classified as ?
1- Complex Fertlizer
2- Straight Fertilizer
3- Mixed Fertilizer
Ans - Straight Fertilizer
Q-5 Silver Revolution is related to ?
1- Cotton production
2- Jute production
3- Egg production
Ans - Egg production
Q-6 First Manufactured Fertilizer in India ?
1- S S P
2- K C L
3- Ammonium chloride
Ans - SSP ( Single super Phosphate)
Q-7 Casual organism of Udbatta disease of Rice crop ?
1- pyricularia oryzae
2- Ephelis oryzae
3- Fusarium moniliforme
Ans - Ephelis oryzae
Q-8 Which fruit is known as bathroom fruit?
2- Banana
3- Mango
Ans - Mango
Q-9 Pusa parvati is the mutant variety of?
1- Potato
2- French bean
3- Cow Pea
Ans - French Bean
Q-10 Kew is the variety of?
1- Pineapple
2- Banana
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