General Agriculture Quiz

Q-1Water has Maximum Density at_____ degree  celsius ? 

a-  1
B- 2 
C- 3 
D -4

Ans  -  4 degree celsius

Q-2 Protein content in maize is _____ 

A-10 %

Ans - 10%

Q-3   Origin of Cotton ? 

1- Africa
3 -India
4- Ethiopia

Ans  - India

Q-4 Origin of Arhar ? 

3 -India
4- Ethiopia

Ans -  Africa

Q-5  Alexender Flemming discovered? 

1-  Trycocidine
2- Penicillin
3- None of these

Ans - Penicillin

Q-6 Ficus benghalensis is commonly known as? 

1-  Banana
2- Banyan
3- Babul
4- None of these

 Ans- Banyan

Q-7 Pungency in Radish is due to....

1) Solanin
2) Capcisin
3) Isothiocyanate
4) Calcium acetate


Q-8  Which of the following is Polyestrous animal  ? 
1- Cattle
2 - Pig
3 - Both of these
4- None of these

Ans - both of these ( cattle & pig) 

Q-9 Protogyny is found in the case of..

1) Maize
2) Pearl Millet
3) Wheat
4) Chick pea
5) None of these

Answer- Bajra(Pearl millet)

Q-10  In Honey Bee pollen Basket is present on? 
A -Fore Legs
B-Hind Legs
C-Middle Legs
D- A  & B
Answer - Hind Legs

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