Plant Type Based on Size - Herbs, Shrubs ,Trees, Climbers & Creepers

Plant Type Based on Size --

 Herbs - Plant of Small Size
 ShrubsMedium Size plants
 Trees   -  Huge Plants

Herbs Characterstic
1- Short height
2- Green & Soft stem
3-May or may not have branches. 

1- Neither too short Nor  too tall. 
2- Hard wood thin stem. 
3 - Branches are seen towards the base of the          stem. 
1- Very Tall
2- Strong thick brown stems
3-Branches are many & towards upper part of        stem. 
Climbers are plant with weak stem that need support to climb up and grow.Example include money plant. 
Creepers are plant with weak stem that crawl or creep on the ground and  spread.Eg pumpkin

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