25 Important Animal Husbandry Questions

Q1- Mammary Glands are modified ?

A - Cutinous Gland

B - Oil Gland

C - Dermis Gland

D -Sudoriferous Gland

Q2-Hormone for Milk secretion ?

A - Oxytocin

B -Prolactin



Q3 - Jersey is native of ?

A - England

B -Denmark

C-  Holand


Q4-Seprating calf from its mother is called ?

A - Wallowing

B - Weaning

C -Castration

D - None

Q5-Ovarian cycle in cow and buffalo is ?

A - 30 days

B - 21 days

C - 50 days

D -  28 days

Q6- The Stage when Animal comes in heat is ?

A - Proestrus

B - Estrus

C -Metestrus

D -Diestrus

Q7 -Longest Phase of Oestrus cycle ?

A - Proestrus

B - Estrus

C -Metestrus

D -Diestrus

Q8 - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute is located at  ?

A - Jhansi

B - Lucknow

C -Hyderabad

D -Nagpur

Q9- Merino developed in ?

A - Spain


C - Denmark

D - Holland

ANS -Spain

 Q10-Quality of egg can be determined by ?

A - Candling

B -Annealing

C - Temperature Test

D - None

Q11 - Large White Yokshire is a breed of ?

A - Sheep

B - Goat

C - Pig

D - Horse

Q12- Oestrus cycle in Pig ?

A - 21 Days

B - 42 Days

C - 15 Days

D - 30 Days

Q13 - Crop is equivalent to ?

A -Stomach
B - Gizzard
C -Small Intestine
D -Clocoa

Q14-Maximum Sheep Population is in ?

B -Australia
C -Brazil
D - India

Q15- Crude Fibre in Roughage is ?

A - >18
B - >30
C - >35
D -> 25

Q16 -DCP( Digestible crude Protein ) in legume fodder crop is ?

A - 4-5%
B -2.5- 3%
C - 6- 9%
D - 20 -30 %

Q17 -Largest Organ of the body of Poultry ?

A -Crop
B -Gizzard
C -Cocoa
D -Duodenum

Q18-Dual Purpose breed of Sheep ?

A - Nali
B - Mandya
C - Chokla
D -None of these

Q19- stomach of camel has how many parts ?

A - 3
B - 2
C - 4
D - 1

Q20 - Where is the largest wool market in Asia located ?

A -Jodhpur
B -Jaipur
C -Bikaner
D -Kota

Q21-First artificial insemination was done in India at 

B - Allahabad Agriculture Institute
C - Dairy Farm Mysore
D - None of these

Q22-Which Animal is Known as Poor s Man Cow ?

A - Cow
B - Sheep
C - Goat
D - Camel

Q23- Browsing is a common feature of ?

A - Horse
B -Sheep
C -Cow
D -Goat

 Q24- Seasonal breeders are ?

A - Cow
B - Goat
C -Buffalo
D - Sheep

Q25 - Mechanism of heat tolerance is found in ?

A -Goat
B -Buffalo
C -Cow
D -Fish
