Top 10 Agriculture Insurance Companies in the USA

Top 10 Agriculture Insurance Companies in the USA


In the agricultural business, things can go wrong very quickly and without warning. Weather patterns can suddenly change without regard to your plans, crops can be affected by pestilence, or animals can experience disease outbreaks, all of which can severely damage your livelihood and affect your bottom line.

With an agriculture insurance policy from one of these top 10 agriculture insurance companies in the USA, you can be sure that your financial stability won’t be threatened by any of these unexpected events.


1)Zurich Insurance Group

Zurich is the world’s largest insurer for agriculture and other natural risks. The group ensures major crops such as cocoa, coffee, tea, and rubber, along with livestock from animals to chickens to fish.

It also provides cover for weather-related risks like hurricanes and volcanic eruptions as well as natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides.

In addition to its offerings in the agricultural sector, Zurich is known for providing coverage against damage caused by floods or earthquakes.

Their catastrophic insurance products allow individuals or businesses who experience severe damage due to these types of occurrences to gain access to funds that can help them get back on their feet financially and in a timelier manner than if they were required to go through the traditional claims process when facing a huge loss of assets or income.


2) Great American Insurance Group

Great American Insurance Group provides the widest array of insurance products in the U.S. with operations in more than 30 states.

Some of its most popular products include agriculture insurance, personal lines property, and casualty coverage, commercial property and casualty coverage, as well as health insurance.

The company was founded in 1872 and is headquartered in Ohio; it has more than 4,200 employees.


3) Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Co. of Iowa

Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Co. of Iowa is the oldest and largest property and casualty insurance agency in the state, which has some of the most fertile farmland in the country.

It has been helping farmers secure crop insurance coverage since 1935. The company offers more than 45 individual risk protection plans to farmers; these plans ensure corn, soybeans, alfalfa, wheat, oats, and sorghum to help protect against losses from weather events such as hail storms or tornadoes.

Farmers Mutual has earned a loyal customer base by offering quality products at competitive prices.

Customers also appreciate that Farmers Mutual agents are residents who understand farming conditions in their community – important when you consider all the factors farmers have to consider when buying crop insurance coverage like weather patterns, growing seasons, and soil type.


4) Farmers Mutual Hail Association

Farmers Mutual Hail Association is a farmer-owned insurance company founded on mutual aid principles and serves as a low-cost, high-quality cooperative insurance alternative.

If you're looking for agriculture insurance companies, you'll find them here. With a pedigree dating back to 1936, Farmers Mutual Hail Association (FMHA) offers high-quality service and competitive pricing to farmers across the country.

What started as an association of six farmers taking turns providing hail protection for one another has grown into an organization protecting farms throughout 17 states from four different business divisions.


5) ChubbLimited

Chubb has been in operation since 1882 and has extensive experience in agricultural insurance. The company even offers coverage for livestock and hay, in addition to its standard coverage options.

Chubb's ag-insurance coverage includes a host of additional services, such as tax preparation, farm consulting, and professional liability insurance.

As with most companies on our list, Chubb customers have access to technical support, risk management tips, and other advice through local farm agents.

With offices in all 50 states and Puerto Rico as well as specialty crop agents located across 11 states, Chubb is a highly respected insurance company serving farmers nationwide.


6) Sompo Holdings Inc.

Insurance giant Sompo Holdings Inc. was founded in 1857 and has grown to become one of Japan’s top financial services companies.

Agricultural Insurance company is part of its core businesses. The company underwrites, writes, and services insurance for both farmers and agricultural-related businesses.

It offers insurance for livestock, crops, grain, and feed as well as personal property, machinery, food processing plants and other factors necessary to farm productively.

The company also sells accident insurance products to address risks facing many types of transportation operators (airlines; trucking companies; bus lines). [7] Sompo Holdings Inc.


7) QBE Insurance Group Limited

With headquarters in Sydney, Australia, QBE Insurance Group Limited is a property and casualty insurer that also offers life insurance.

The company provides coverage for all types of properties as well as personal, commercial, and industrial risks.

The group's operations include QBE Insurance Corporation (QBEIC), which operates in six U.S. states; QBE North America Insurance Company (QBE-NAIC), which has offices in Texas; QBE Reinsurance Corporation of Illinois (Reinsurance); Aviation Insurance Services Inc., dba CNA Aviation; and Lloyd's Syndicate 2012 (2012).

In addition to business insurance and personal lines products, it offers a full range of agricultural insurance policies under its American Agricultural Insurance Group (AAIG) business.


8) Rural Community Insurance Agency Inc. 

Rural Community Insurance Agency, Inc. (RCIA) is a full-service agency that provides farm and ranch insurance in Littlefield, Texas.

They focus on crop insurance and livestock coverage, helping farmers and ranchers plan for unpredictable events like drought or disease outbreaks.

Since they don't sell any of their products, they can use their knowledge to help customers choose policies that match their particular situation instead of pushing them towards one company's product line.

Like all agricultural agencies, RCIA has good experience with natural disasters in West Texas; in fact, it’s part of why farmers have come to trust them so much over the years.


9) CGBEnterprises Inc.

CGB Enterprises, Inc. offers Crop Insurance in USA, Property and Casualty Insurance in the USA and Agricultural Business Insurance in the USA.

Their insured has been protected with state-of-the-art crop insurance and property/casualty programs that are uniquely tailored to each customer’s situation.

The company offers a complete line of Property and Casualty coverage such as farm business liability, farm crime insurance, personal liability, agribusiness employment practices liability, commercial auto/truckers’ policy (equipment breakdown or workers compensation), kidnap/ransom insurance, equipment breakage insurance, and many more insurances.

They understand how important it is for farmers to know they have chosen a carrier that understands their unique needs.


10) AmericanFinancial Group Inc.

Agricultural Insurance Company in the USA, American Financial Group Inc. provides insurance and financial services for individuals, corporate clients, and industries such as Agribusinesses, food producers, Agri-service companies, crop farmers, and stock raisers.

It offers products that include fire & property; general liability; commercial automobile; workers compensation; product liability and business auto.

The company was founded in 1988 by Christopher M VanderWerf in Hillsboro (Oregon) with investment from David G Begley as an individual investor. The company headquarters is located in Troy (Michigan).


11) TokiaMarine HCC

Tokia Marine is a prominent marine and agriculture insurer in the USA. The company is wholly owned by Tokio Marine Holdings Inc., a Delaware-based holding company.

Tokia offers indemnity and excess insurance for crop, orchard, timber, feedlot/cattle feeding operation (FFO), aquaculture, and nursery.

Its divisions include Tomlinson Insurance Agency LLC, which underwrites crop insurance in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee; Southern Agricultural Insurance Agency LLC in Alabama;

Tucker Insurance Agency LLC in Alabama; Blue Star Financial Insurance Agency Inc. in North Carolina; Merrimack Valley Agri-Business Division Inc., an FFO underwriter also located in North Carolina; Kornmehl & Company Insurance Co.

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