Top 10 Highest Milk Producing Cattle breed in World

Top 10 Highest Milk Producing Cattle breed in World


Dairy cattle also called dairy cows are cattle bred for the ability to produce large quantities of milk, from which dairy products are made. Dairy cattle generally are of the species.

Historically, there was little distinction between dairy cattle and beef cattle, with the same stock often being used for both meat and milk production. Today, the bovine industry is more specialized and most dairy cattle have been bred to produce large volumes of milk.

10 Gir

The breed of Gir cow originates from the Gir forests of Gujarat. This breed of cow gives about 1200 -1800 kg of milk per lactation. It looks very distinctive with its curved horns. The cow weighs around 380 kg but is a calm and friendly breeding cow.

This cow is known as one of the highest milking cow in the country. This cow is also in demand abroad. Moreover, Gir cows are also mainly raised in Brazil and Israel. The length of ear is the longest amongst all cattle breed. Gir breed known for its tolerance to stress conditions. Having faced scarcity for a numbers of years, it has developed the characteristics of for yielding more milk with less feeding and are resistant to various tropic diseases.


9. Sahiwal cow

It is known for its excellent taste and nutritional qualities. It contains A2 protein and is very effective in producing milk. Although milk is high in fat, the pure A2 beta-casein protein makes it the cow’s milk of choice for many. Sahiwal cow’s milk helps fight cholesterol, diabetes, and heart diseases. Indian cow breeds rank first in the Sweetness of milk as it has the highest lactose content.  Highest milk yielding cow in India Sahiwal average yield per lactation is 1400 -2500 kgs/lactation.




8. Norwegian Red Cattle Breed

Norwegian Red cattle is one of the famous milk-producing cattle breeds that is documented as NRF (Norsk rødt fe) and also documented for the fortune of its milk. NRF provides 10,000-kilogram milk production per annum.

Cows weigh about 495kg to 600kg bulls about 900 kg. They produce approximately 6200 liters of milk a year. The mean size and provide an expected average yield, average milk-fat, and average meat – they’re specifically bred for these traits.



7. Ayrshire Cattle Breed

Ayrshire Cattle Breed is well-known as Dunlop Cattle that’s a healthy and powerful breed and straightforward to boost. It is one of the most beautiful cow breeds of the world  producing  around 4600 kg milk per lactation.

Ayrshires typically have red and white markings; the red can range from a shade of orange to a dark brown. They’re known for their hardiness and their ability to convert grass into milk efficiently. The breed’s strengths today are traits of easy calving and longevity.


6. Brown Swiss Cattle Breed

Brown Swiss is another milk-producing dual purpose cattle breed and is known as a legendary cattle breed in cheese production.

The Brown Swiss or Braunvieh is brown with a thick white muzzle and dark-nose, dark-blue eye deposition which helps the breed to defy extreme radiation. Brown Swiss cattle are second heaviest cattle breed after Holstein Friesian. Milk yield is around 5000 kg per lactation


5. Kostroma Cattle

Kostroma is long-lived cattle that have a duration of 25 years. This is often producing milk of 10,000 kilograms per annum. This cattle breed is extremely helpful for the milk processing and production process.

Kostroma cattle are alike in appearance to Brown Swiss but differences are in head and body. Typical milk yield is 3900–5000 kg with the fat content of 3.7-3.9%; the protein content is 3.30-3.60%. Under intensive management they can produce 6000 to 8000 kg of milk per lactation, and as much as 10,000 from the best cows. The breed also has good beef characteristics.



4- Swedish Red Cattle Breed

Swedish Red Cattle is a famous milk-producing cattle breed and is well-known as Swedish Red and White Cattle. These cattle breed is also common to milk producers, for their healthy structure and long life. The cattle breed produces milk of 8000 kilograms per annum. The peak of this cattle breed is 140cm to 150cm and its weight is 600 kg to 700kg.

Swedish Red cattle are generally medium-sized animals.  They are mostly red body color with patchy white spotting. They’re usually polled and do not have horns. The breed is analogous to the West Finnish cattle. The height of the Swedish Red cattle is an average of 140 cm to 150cm.




3-Jersey Cattle Breed

A Jersey is a breed of dairy cattle from Jersey Island, located in the English Channel between France and England. Their huge productive capacity allowed them to adapt well in the most productive countries, including New Zealand, Canada, and the US.

Jersey cows are small than other dairy cow breeds. They have a small head with wide eyes, a black snout, and a front slit. Regarding shape, a Jersey cow has refined angles that give it perfect proportions.  Milk yield is around 5000- 8000 kg per lactation


2-Pie Rouge des Plaines Cattle Breed

The Pie Rouge des Plaines may be a modern French breed of the dairy cow. It had been created in about 1970 by cross-breeding the normal Armorican cattle of Brittany, in north-western France, with red-pied cattle of the Dutch Meuse-Rhine-Yssel and German Deutsche Rotbunte breeds.

The cows weigh down an average of 700 kg, and average 138 cm tall at the withers. Bull's average weight is 900 kg to 1000kg, and 140 cm to 150 tall. Pie Rouge des Plaines has good dairy aptitude. Milk yield is around  8000 kg in a lactation of 329 days. The milk has 4.3% fat and 3.3% protein.


1. Holstein Cattle Breed

Holstein-Friesian is the World Heaviest cattle breed and also the  highest milk producing cattle breed in the  world . Holsteins are large, stylish animals with color patterns of black and white or red and white. It is one of the highest milk-producing cattle breeds in the world. These dairy cattle produce 7200-9000 kg milk per lactation.

They are good-natured, are easy to handle, and can be stabled without any problems. They are also quite good resistant to stress, exhibit a herd outlook, and are not solitary animals. Holstein’s cattle breeds are more than just dairy breeds.



